| Abstract: We define a novel definition of the holographic light hadron jet by a separation of scales from plasma to jet, which leads to the re-emergence of the late-time Bragg peak in the instantaneous jet energy loss rate. We use the holographic energy loss of light quark and our new jet prescription in AdS/CFT to calculate the nuclear modification factor of jet for a brick of plasma (both static and expanding plasma) and compare the AdS/CFT results with the experimental data for most central Pb-Pb collision at LHC at 2.76 TeV center-of-mass energy. Defining a renormalized AdS/CFT jets that we argue better reflect QCD physics, we find a surprisingly good agreement between our toy model which is the first fully strongly coupled calculations, and preliminary jet suppression data from heavy ion collisions at LHC.
Time: Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 11:00 in Larak Seminar Room | |