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Paper   IPM / Computer Science / 10941
School of Computer Science
  Title:   PROSIGN: A method for protein secondary structure assignment based on three-dimensional coordinates of consecutive Ca atoms
1.  S. R. Hosseini
2.  M. Sadeghi
3.  H. Pezeshk
4.  C. Eslahchi
5.  M. Habibi
  Status:   To Appear
  Journal: Computational Biology and Chemistry
  Publisher(s):   Elsevier
  Supported by:  IPM
The automatic assignment of secondary structure from three-dimensional atomic coordinates of proteins is an essential step for the analysis and modeling of protein structures. So different methods based on different criteria have been designed to perform this task. We introduce a new method for protein secondary structure assignment based solely on Ca coordinates. We introduce four certain relations between Ca three-dimensional coordinates of consecutive residues, each of which applies to one of the four regular secondary structure categories: a-helix, 310-helix, p-helix and �-strand. In our approach, the deviation of the Ca coordinates of each residue from each relation is calculated. Based on these deviation values, secondary structures are assigned to all residues of a protein. We show that our method agrees well with popular methods as DSSP, STRIDE and assignments in PDB files. It is shown that our method gives more information about helix geometry leading to more accurate secondary structure assignment.

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