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Paper   IPM / Nano-Sciences / 16178
School of Quantum Physics and Matter
  Title:   Tunable and low-loss hyperbolic plasmon polaritons in Td -WTe2 single layer
1.  Zahra Torbatian
2.  Dino Novko
3.  Reza Asgari
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Phys. Rev. Applied
  Vol.:  14
  Year:  2020
  Pages:   044014
  Supported by:  IPM
Natural hyperbolic two-dimensional systems are fascinating new class of materials that could open new pathways to manipulate plasmon propagation and light-matter interactions. Here, we present a comprehensive study of optical response in Td -WTe2 by means of density functional, and many-body perturbation theories. We show how monolayer WTe2 with in-plane anisotropy sustains hyperbolic plasmon polaritons, which can be tuned via chemical doping and strain. The latter is able to extend the hyperbolic regime towards near-infrared with low losses. Moreover, with a moderate strain, WTe2 can even be switched between elliptic and hyperbolic regimes. In addition, plasmons in WTe2 are charaterized with low losses owing to electron-phonon scatterings, which are responsible for the temperature dependence of plasmon linewidth. Interestingly, temperature can also be utilized to tune in-plane anisotropy of WTe2 optical response.

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