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Paper   IPM / Astronomy / 17456
School of Astronomy
  Title:   CMB polarization by the asymmetric template of scalar perturbations
1.  J. Khodagholizadeh
2.  R. Mohammadi
3.  S. M. S. . Movahed
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Eur. Phys. J. C
  Vol.:  651
  Year:  2023
  Supported by:            ipm IPM
Inspired by a dipole asymmetric template for the CMB temperature map in the primordial scalar fluctuations observed by Planck at a large scale, we examine the contribution of a similar template for power asymmetry in modifying the linear polarization pattern of CMB. Replacing un-modulated temperature fluctuation with dipolar modulated one in time evolution equations somehow breaks linear perturbation in the various components of the CMB map. This non-linearity allows deflecting CMB polarization in patterns that contain divergence-free components. The explicit expressions for the angular power spectra of the electric and magnetic-type parities of linear polarization are derived in the form of the line of sight integral solutions. Our results demonstrate that the electric-type polarization is modified and the magnetic-type polarization would be produced. Such imprints depend on the linear and square of the asymmetric amplitude for E- and B-modes power spectra, respectively. For the observed dipole template, the value of B polarization spectrum at the large scale (�¢??�¢?�²10) is almost equivalent to the power spectrum obtained from Compton scattering in the presence of tensor perturbation with tensor to scalar ratio about r�¢??0.005

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