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Paper   IPM / Nano-Sciences / 17723
School of Nano Science
  Title:   Dynamical quantum phase transitions following a noisy quench
1.  Rohollah Jafari
2.  A. Langari
3.  S. Eggert
4.  Henrik Johannesson
  Status:   Published
  Vol.:  109
  Year:  2024
  Supported by:  IPM
We study how time-dependent energy fluctuations impact the dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs) following a noisy ramped quench of the transverse magnetic field in a quantum Ising chain. By numerically solving the stochastic Schrodinger equation of the mode-decoupled fermionic Hamiltonian of the problem, we identify two generic scenarios: Depending on the amplitude of the noise and the rate of the ramp, the expected periodic sequence of noiseless DQPTs may either be uniformly shifted in time or else replaced by a disarray of closely spaced DQPTs. Guided by an exact noise master equation, we trace the phenomenon to the interplay between noise-induced excitations which accumulate during the quench and the near-adiabatic dynamics of the massive modes of the system. Our analysis generalizes to any one-dimensional fermionic two-band model subject to a noisy quench.

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