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Paper   IPM / M / 17830
School of Mathematics
  Title:   A dynamic multiple proximal bundle algorithm for locally Lipschitz multiobjective optimization problems
  Author(s):  Najmeh Hoseini Monjezi (Joint with S. Nobakhtian)
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Optimization
  Vol.:  1
  Year:  2024
  Pages:   1-25
  Supported by:  IPM
We propose a method for nonsmooth nonconvex multiobjective optimization problems that is based on a bundle-type approach. The proposed method employs an extension of the redistributed proximal bundle algorithm and uses an augmented improvement function to handle different objectives. In which, at each iteration, a common piecewise linear model is used to approximate the augmented improvement function. Contrary to many existing multiobjective optimization methods, this algorithm works directly with objective functions, without using any kind of a priori chosen parameters or employing any scalarization. Under appropriate assumptions, we discuss convergence to points which satisfy a necessary condition for Pareto optimality. We provide numerical results for a set of nonsmooth convex and nonconvex multiobjective optimization problems in the form of tables, figures and performance profiles. The numerical results confirm the superiority of the proposed algorithm in the considered test problems compared to other multiobjective solvers, in the computational effort necessary to compute weakly Pareto stationary points.

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