“Salman Beigi”

Tel: (+98-21) 2310 ext. 2131
Fax: (+98-21) 22290648

IPM Positions |
Faculty Member , School of Mathematics
(2015 - Present (From January 21)) |
Past IPM Positions |
Senior Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematics
(2011 - 2015) (From February 20, 2011 till January 20, 2015 ) |
Research Interests |
All aspects of quantum computation and quantum information theory. | ||
Related Papers |
1. | S. Beigi (Joint with S. Rahimi-Keshari) Quantum maximal correlation for Gaussian states Phys. Rev. A 108 (2023), 062419 [abstract] |
2. | S. Beigi and M. Moazami Goodarzi Operator-valued Schatten spaces and quantum entropies Letters in Mathematical Physics 113 (2023), 1-54 [abstract] |
3. | S. Beigi (Joint with L. Taghavi) Quantum Speedup Based on Classical Decision Trees Quantum (2020), 241 [abstract] |
4. | S. Beigi (Joint with N. Datta and C. Rouze) Quantum reverse hypercontractivity: its tensorization and application to strong converses Commun. Math. Phys. 376 (2020), 753-794 [abstract] |
5. | S. Beigi (Joint with M.-O. Renou, Y. Wang, S. Boreiri, N. Gisin, and N. Brunner) Limits on correlations in networks for quantum and non-signaling resources Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019), 070403 [abstract] |
6. | S. Beigi (Joint with L. Taghavi) Span program for non-binary functions Quantum Information & Computation 19 (2019), 760-792 [abstract] |
7. | S. Beigi (Joint with M.-O. Renou, E. Baumer, S. Boreiri, N. Brunner, and N. Gisin) Genuine quantum nonlocality in the triangle network Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019), 140401 [abstract] |
8. | S. Beigi (Joint with A. Gohari) phi-entropic measures of correlation IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (2018), 2193-2211 [abstract] |
9. | S. Beigi and O. Etesami (Joint with A. Bogdanov and S. Guo) Optimal Deterministic Extractors for Generalized Santha-Vazirani Sources ( In: Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques) [abstract] |
10. | S. Beigi and A. Gohari (Joint with F. Haddadpour, M. H. Yassaee, and M. R. Aref) Simulation of a channel with another channel IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (2017), 2659-2677 [abstract] |
11. | S. Beigi, O. Etesami and A. Gohari Deterministic randomness extraction from generalized and distributed Santha-Vazirani sources SIAM J. Comput. 46 (2017), 1-36 [abstract] |
12. | S. Beigi (Joint with Ch. Nair) Equivalent characterization of reverse Brascamp-Lieb-type inequalities using information measures ( In: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ) [abstract] |
13. | S. Beigi (Joint with S. Liu, Ch. Nair, and M. Yazdanpanah) Some results on the scalar Gaussian interference channel ( In: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory) [abstract] |
14. | S. Beigi (Joint with Ch. King) Hypercontractivity and the logarithmic Sobolev inequality for the completely bounded norm J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016), 015206 [abstract] |
15. | S. Beigi (Joint with N. Datta and F. Leditzky) Decoding quantum information via the Petz recovery map J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016), 082203 [abstract] |
16. | S. Beigi, O. Etesami and A. Gohari The value of help bits in randomized and average-case complexity Comput. Complex. (2016), DOI: 10.1007/s00037-016-0135-x [abstract] |
17. | S. Beigi and A. Gohari On the duality of additivity and tensorization ( In: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory) [abstract] |
18. | S. Beigi, O. Etesami and A. Gohari The value of information-theoretic content of help bits for computation ( In: Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT)) [abstract] |
19. | S. Beigi, O. Etesami and A. Gohari Deterministic randomness extraction from generalized and distributed Santha-Vazirani sources ( In: ICALP 2015) [abstract] |
20. | S. Beigi and A. Gohari Monotone measures for non-local correlations IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (2015), 5185-5208 [abstract] |
21. | S. Beigi Maximal entanglement: A new measure of entanglement ( In: Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT)) [abstract] |
22. | S. Beigi and A. Gohari On dimension bounds for auxiliary quantum systems IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60 (2014), 368-387 [abstract] |
23. | P. Delgosha and S. Beigi Impossibility of local state transformation via hypercontractivity Commun. Math. Phys. 332 (2014), 449-476 [abstract] |
24. | S. Beigi and A. Gohari Quantum achievability proof via collision relative entropy IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60 (2014), 7980-7986 [abstract] |
25. | S. Beigi (Joint with A. Gohari) On dimension bounds for auxiliary quantum systems ( In: Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT)) [abstract] |
26. | S. Beigi (Joint with J. Chen, M. Grassl, Zh. Ji, Q. Wang, and B. Zeng) Symmetries of codeword stabilized quantum codes ( In: 8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation) [abstract] |
27. | S. Beigi A new quantum data processing inequality J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013), 082202 [abstract] |
28. | S. Beigi Sandwiched Rényi Divergence Satisfies Data Processing inequality J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013), 122202 [abstract] |
29. | S. Beigi Classification of the phases of ID spin chains with commuting Hamiltonians J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 10pp [abstract] |
30. | S. Beigi (Joint with R. Koning) Simplified instantanous non-local quantum computation with applications to position-based cryptography New J. Phys. 13 (2011), 25pp [abstract] |
31. | S. Beigi (Joint with P. W. Shor and D. Whalen) The quantum double model with boundary: Condensations and symmetries Commun. Math. Phys. 306 (2011), 663-694 [abstract] |
32. | S. Beigi (Joint with P. Shor and J. Watrous) Quantum interactive proofs with short messages Theory of Computing 7 (2011), 101-117 [abstract] |